Ancient mysteries and alternative history by bestselling author Freddy Silva

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The complete guide for creating a portal of energy. Anywhere.

For the first time ever, the processes that make the world's greatest temples such unique power places have been carefully studied, suitably distilled for our modern age, and elegantly presented in this double DVD.

Brimming with ancient wisdom and step-by-step practical demonstrations, this unique double-DVD will show you how to use these easy to understand laws and transform a normal room, a home, a garden, even a city into a temple: a portal of living, creative energy.

Using The Seven Principles of Templemaking you will be taught:

- the art of attracting magnetic lines of earth energy and veins of water

- how to apply sacred measure

- sacred geometry, its meanings and appropriate manifesting potential

- the correct use of stone and crystal

- the cardinal directions, how to use them and what they mean

- how to use intent as an attractor and a creative force

For thousands of years, Mysteries Schools around the world taught that by applying the Law of Attraction you can create your own sanctuary for manifesting, communing, healing, reflection or repose — qualities that are very much in need during times social turbulence.

In this DVD you will also be taught the real Seven Laws of Manifestation and how to fine-tune ability to attract what matters in your life.

Filmed in documentary-style at famous locations, this culmination of two decades of on-site experience takes you from a mere spectator and transforms you into a true co-creator.

How can the subtle forces of the pyramids and Stonehenge work discretely in your living room? Review by The Portsmouth Herald.

Freddy Silva works with secrets. Ancient secrets. The kind of knowledge once guarded by ancient Egyptian spiritual teachers, Druids, and the Knights Templars. The kind of wisdom that scientists have discovered to be embedded within the fabric of Gothic cathedrals. And it was all used for one purpose: manifestation.

For several decades, Freddy has travelled to ancient sacred sites, observing, experiencing and dissecting their modus operandi: what makes tick. Which is not surprising: he once lived in a lush valley in England, just miles from Stonehenge, Avebury stone circle, and many of the world's most powerful temples. What he discovered during his quest for understanding was that these ancient places of veneration have a number of features in common: they all use water, magnetism, sacred geometry, sacred measure, specific stones and crystals. And combined, these subtle forces generate measurable environments that amplify your thoughts and feelings. No wonder, then that such monuments continue to be places of veneration, healing and, most importantly, manifestation.

He also discovered that these principles have no expiry date, and thus not only can they be applied in our modern world, they can also be used on a smaller, more subtle scale. In fact, they can be replicated in your back yard, even your living room. He should know, he built such a temple in his apartment in Portland, ME. And his dinner guests often remark on the positive energy of his home, but cannot figure out why. That is until he points to certain strategically-placed stones and crystals throughout the room.

But has it worked for him? Well, within a year he was teaching his craft all around the world, and is now a sought-after keynote speaker at international conferences. Which is precisely what he asked to manifest.

He now has released the knowledge in his double DVD, Templemaking, an encyclopedia of information wrapped in beautiful film footage. He also teaches the material in full-day workshops, enabling people to create a temple for themselves. The idea is to generate an environment wherever you live that helps increase your ability to manifest what you need most in your life. Regardless of where you live. After all, this is precisely what our predecessors did when they visited ancient temples: they asked the invisible universe for some kind of help, and for those who knew the rules, their prayers were duly answered.

Silva also teaches how to correctly apply the Law of Attraction, something that was widely advertised with the popular book 'The Secret'. And yet he will tell you that it is far more complicated than just asking to win the lottery. There is a deliberate and mechanical process which even 'The Secret' does not delve into. But his DVDs and workshops do.

"There are certain keys that open certain doors," he says, "and once you know what they are and what they do, by using your conscious intent magic starts to happen. Good magic. And given the present economic and social issues we are faced with right now, I believe the time has come where we need as much help as we can to be masters of our own reality, rather than allowing events to dictate our lives."

Ultimately, he says, it is about possessing knowledge that empowers you to be a co-creator in this world, to live your dream awake. That is precisely how our ancestors lived. And if helped them maintain their civilizations in balance for thousands of years, then it can work for us today.

2 hours

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